What goes around comes around.

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I’m not supposed to blog yet because of a deadline. But I just couldn’t let this one pass my restless attention:

MANILA, Philippines – A Manila court found prominent tour guide and reproductive health advocate Carlos Celdrán guilty of “offending religious feelings,” according to a statement made by Celdrán himself on Twitter.

Celdrán was charged with violating Article 133 of the Revised Penal Code (offending religious feelings) after he disrupted a service at the Manila Cathedral on Sept 30, 2010. Clad as the Filipino national hero José Rizal, the outspoken reproductive health advocate held up a sign with the words “Dámaso,” in reference to the villainous priest in Rizal’s famous novel “Noli Me Tangere.”

But here’s the best part:

A copy of the decision tweeted by Celdrán shows that he was sentenced to serve a prison term of not less than two months and 21 days and not more than one year, one month and 11 days.

From Rappler.com.

This photo’s gonna get real soon. But I’ll visit you there, Twitter buddy. I promise.


By the way. Today is the birthday of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Catholic Church’s greatest theologian and philosopher, and patron saint of intellectuals. I just don’t believe that today’s development coinciding with the saint’s birthday is a coincidence. It ain’t. 😀

I only have four beautiful words for this ultrapositive development: justice has been served.

Lo que se siembra se cosecha, Carlos. Just ask your dad what the heck does that mean.

4 responses »

  1. Have you anything to say about the priests who molested innocent children and the fact that in many parishes, the abuloy goes towards paying for settlements of the cases? People give money to the church and the church uses them to protect pedophiles.


    • “Have you anything to say about the priests who molested innocent children”

      Of course. That totally sucks as your bias towards Celdrán The National Hero. But then, you said “the fact that in many parishes, the abuloy goes towards paying for settlements of the cases”. One word bothers me. You mentioned the word “fact”. I don’t know of such a fact, sorry. Could you please share one? I would really like to know.

      “People give money to the church and the church uses them to protect pedophiles.”

      That is highly debatable. How are the pedophiles protected through the abuloy? Is that a “fact” too? You seem to know more about this corruption more than most Catholics. Intriguing.

      You have the floor, Mr. Exposé.


  2. That photo (above) where he’s dressed like an obsessed version of Ibarra was sure funny – then – I’m sure he’s not laughing now. Dude, look at the guy behind his back. That man is waiting to stomp on his ass like mad! I’m not one who laughs at other people misfortune but the inmates deserves this man. He’s a performance artist? well, he’s going to do a lot of performing inside fo’ sure. Before you Celdran nuthuggers go crazy, relax, I’m writing this in a state of amusement and a bit of humour. C’mon, don’t you think Celdran dressed like than in prison is not funny? 😛


  3. Conozco personalmente a este “señor” he tenido la mala fortuna de encontrarmelo varias veces en Intramuros, yo lo llamo el charlatan y paiaso de Intramuros.Odia todo lo hispano y ama todo lo que viene de USA, Seguramente por la mala educacion que recibio en su infancia.



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